Thursday, 25 October 2007
Another Day They Cannot Take From Us

A rusty coloured devil
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Another Day They Can't Take From us

After lunch it was a walk and a half for Andrew and myself, all the way down to the dingly dell amongst the pixie houses, as you can see from the picture an ideal spot for pixies and high birds, Andrew is getting ready. This is part of a much bigger drive taking in the snipe field (see map).
The picture is a bit deceiving as the time you get to shoot is no time at all, but any bird you drop you feel is good shot, as the foliage drops from the trees pegs 4 & 5 will be much sort after.
Again our last two drives in the cover crop produced little today, given a few frosty mornings we will see change, but for this little merry band that is what it is all about dear reader, not the size of the bag (27 today), but the variety, duck, partridge, pheasant, snipe and rabbit, it is the variety of the weather and of nature itself, we know we will have good days we know we will have not so good days, because with the company we keep and the little bit of the countryside we have, we cannot have a bad day.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Something for the youngsters
Another Drive
The Farmer may have helped us out though, due to the price of wheat & corn, he has decided to grow his own (hopefully enough for us aswell).
He has used an adjacent field to sow the crop, if we lose out a bit on pheasent we may gain on pidgeon.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Raising the bar
Worse is to come for Captain of Shoot, No1 Son of Mine commented on seeing original paper drawings I see captain of Shoot has had his crayons out.
The little whippersnapper has some horrible jobs to do next he is on the shoot.